Hortus Indicus Malabaricus: An Enquiry into Alien Plants: II
Hortus Indicus Malabarius, Aliens, Plant InvasionAbstract
Rheede’s Magnum Opus (1678-1693) – Horti Indici Malabarici – reflects the indigenous medical knowledge of the people of Malabar region (India) in the 17th century. It invited attention of researchers from different walks of life. It dovetailed the science of medicine and culture of indigenous people of India. The present author extended investigation on it from the standpoint of plant invasion prior to this period. This account sheds light on additional 32 alien plant species pertaining to 32 genera and 23 angiospermic families. As many as 20 biogeographical regions have been divulged for their floral contribution to India. The American and African continents share maximum contribution. Nearly all parts of the Old and New Worlds showed contacts with the then India. The author is inclined to state that such ancient botanical annals should be re-investigated on various grounds to disclose past biological invasion which help manage our present biodiversity.
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