Panini’s Astadhyayi in The Eyes of Plant Invasion on Indian Subcontinent
Panini’s Astadhyayi, Exotic Plants, InvasionAbstract
Indigenous plantlore is a manifestation in a given community, based on adaptation and wisdom of local people and environment. It develops over times and continues so also. This treasure of traditional knowledge is used to sustain the community and its bioculture. In long past, people of great understanding, christalized their wisdom in some treatises such as the Panini’s Astadhyayi. This treatise is understood and well known for the genesis and development of Sanskrit knowledge. Ancient Sanskrit scripts usually contain information concerning culture and sustenance based on plant world. The present author analysed it in view of plant invasion on Indian landmass in Panini’s time. Total 45 exotic plant species belonging to 44 genera and 29 angiospermic families are divulged from it. These belong to nearly all corners of the Old and New Worlds. Majority of them (28 species) are cultigens and still continue even in modern period in India. Of course, rest of them are wild, naturalised and presently constitute integral part of Indian biodiversity. The importance of such ancient treatises is dilated in this communication.
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