Unfolding of Yog Chintamani in the Perspective of Plant Invasion in India


  • D A Patil




Yog Chintamani, Alien Plants, Plant Invasion, India


Yog Chintamani is an ancient Sanskrit-based medicinal hand-written manuscript authored by a Jain Muni (Sedge) Harshkirti Suri. It deals with medicinal utilities exclusively. The recipes advised are polyherbal and has great impact of Ayurvedic system of medicine. This manuscript has not yet been studied from any point of view. The present author studied it intensively with particular emphasis on plant invasion in the ancient past of India. The plant names are Sanskrit, Prakrit and a few Marathi plant names. These have been equated with recent botanical (Latin) names and assigned to their respective families. Total 60 alien plant species belonging to various parts of the New and Old Worlds are revealed consulting relevant taxonomic literature. They belong 57 genera 38 families of angiosperms. These alien floral elements are evaluated for their role in Indian economy, invasion and culture.


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How to Cite

Patil, D. A. (2020). Unfolding of Yog Chintamani in the Perspective of Plant Invasion in India. Plantae Scientia, 3(4), 48–55. https://doi.org/10.32439/ps.v3i4.48-55



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