Aquatic Weeds Diversity in India and its Management by Composting: A Review
Aquatic weeds, Compost, Diversity, India, VermicompostAbstract
According to UNDP, about 70% of the global natural wetlands have been lost during the last decade. The continual decrease in the amount of fresh water available to humans for use is a cause of major concern today. In India also, diminishing freshwater bodies, decreasing ground water levels, increasing anthropogenic activities and pollution are posing challenges to the management of water bodies. In recent years, lot of research and efforts have been made worldwide to reclaim the depleting water resources. Continuous and increasing infestation of water bodies with aquatic weeds is one of the leading causes of its deterioration and vanishing. Within this context the present review was undertaken with the aim to understand the diversity of the aquatic weeds in India and composting as a management option to control the growth of the aquatic weeds.
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