Micropropagation of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) ‘Ganesh’ cultivar from nodal explants.
Auxins, Cytokinins, Punica granatum, Micropropagation, RootingAbstract
The present study was carried out to develop a rapid in vitro multiplication protocol using nodal explants. Complete plantlets have been successfully regenerated from node explants. The explants were incubated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) culture medium supplemented with different combinations of 6-benzyl amino purine (BAP) Indole acetic acid (IAA) and kinetin. Multiplication of node explants was achieved on BAP while from other combinations of growth hormone,. The response of various growth regulators was investigated. The combination of showed the highest rate of shoot induction (100%) and a shoot regenerated about 6 shoots per explants when cultured on MS media supplemented with BAP (4 µM) within 2 weeks. The multiple elongated shoots were obtained on MS basal medium combination of Activated charcoal and growth hormones. Well-developed roots were achieved on MS medium in combination with BAP and IAA as well as 80% of plantlets were survived in the soil successfully in the hardening process. A robust and optimized protocol will be helpful for the mass production of this economical important fruit .
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