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Next issue of Plantae Scientia will be published on March 15, 2025!
Plantae Scientia (ISSN 2581-589x) is an International, Peer Reviewed, Open Access Research Crossref indexed (doi : 10.32439) Journal of Botany published bimonthly ie. January, March, May, July, September and November. Journal which publishes genuine research articles as well as review articles, short communications, popular scientific writings, etc. in all areas of plant sciences.
Plantae Scientia publishes genuine research outputs in the various research fields of plant sciences viz. Plant Morphology, Plant Taxonomy, Plants Anatomy, Plant Physiology, Palaeobotany, Palynology, Algology, Bryology, Pteridology, Mycology, Plant Pathology, Cytogenetics, Phytogeography, Phytochemistry, Medicinal Plants, Ethnobotany, Pharmacology, Evolutionary Biology, Phylogeny, Molecular genetics, Plant Breeding, Ecology & Environment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Developmental Biology, Cell biology, BiochemiBiologyiophysics, Bioinformatics, etc. Plantae Scientia is archived in the LOCKSS initiative. It operates a fully open access publishing model which allows open global access to its published content. This model is supported by Article Processing Charges. For more information on Article Processing charges in general, Click here.
Plantae Scientia is included in many leading abstracting and indexing databases like Crossref, Google Scholar, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), IP Indexing, Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF), Index Copernicus International (ICI), CiteFactor, General Impact Factor, Journal Factor, Cosmos Impact Factor, Wikidata, ScienceGate, Scilit, Academic Resource Index, Academia, Exaly, IJIF Indexing, Open Alex, and many more.
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Next issue of Plantae Scientia will be published on March 15, 2025!
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) by declaring Impact Factor of PLANTAE SCIENTIA for the year 2023 is 5.804.
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Plantae Scientia since 2018.