Baseline Impact Assessment Studies on Flora & Fauna around Goa Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC), Goa Zone
Biological environment, Goa, Gidc, impact assessmentAbstract
This study projected for environmental impact driven by the pharmaceutical activity on regional biological environment quality. This Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study based on one season primary environmental quality data, environmental impact statement based on the identification, prediction, and evaluation of impact. Detailed studies were carried out about biological components of the environment in the study area of 7 km radial distance from Usgaon as a central point. The paper is dealing with, Study of the biological environment includes the topography, the vegetation type and the flora and fauna of the region along with crops for prediction of impacts due to the existing pharmaceutical effluents and bulk drugs at Marvasodo, Usgaon, and Phonda (Goa).
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WP3: Kumar Pramod and Sudhir Sharan, 2013. Marketing Mix of Pharmaceutical Industry in India: An Exploration published on ResearchGate:
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