Ethnoveterinary Medicinal Plants Used By Ethnic and Rural People of Indo- Nepal Sub Himalayan International Border Region of Pilibhit Tiger Reserve (PTR), Uttar Pradesh, India.
Ethnoveterinary Plants, Indo Nepal, Sub Himalayan Region, Pilibhit Tiger Researve, Medicinal plantsAbstract
Tribal people are inhabiting indifferent locations of Pilibhit Tiger reserve region of Rohilkhand division of Uttar Pradesh state of India. The study area comprises of second largest forest cover among all the districts of Uttar Pradesh. This manuscript provides information on 21 medicinal plants belonging to 17 angiosperm families which are used by different tribal groups and indigenous people for curing various animal diseases. Few of the important medicinal plants are Achyranthus, Datura, Polygonum, Litsea, Bombax, Azadirachta etc. The use of locally grown, wild medicinal plants for curing different animal ailments was observed to be widespread and prevalent in this area.
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